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Mindful Eating Course




Tuesdays, 7-8.30pm


July 29 - September 16


Cost: £180​



(Discounts available for people on low incomes.)


Please get in touch if you'd like support with your eating sooner than the next Mindful Eating course. Our Mindfulness courses and online drop-in sessions can be very helpful for managing behaviours like overeating. We also offer 1-1 sessions, online and in-person.

You can read more about the mindfulness courses here.

The Mindful Eating course can help you:


  • reduce binge eating, emotional eating and overeating

  • manage cravings

  • reach and maintain a weight you’re happy with   

  • find a sustainable way of eating that makes you feel happy and well

  • enjoy food more

  • be part of a friendly group for ongoing support.

Weekly course content

Week 1 - Introduction:

Introduction to mindful eating and
healthy eating; how mindful eating
helps with weight management.


Week 2:  

Personal goals and challenges:
mindful eating and intuitive eating techniques. (See FAQs for explanation of intuitive eating).


Week 3: 
Changing unhelpful habits; what to do when we cannot stop eating,


Week 4: 
Exploring why we eat when not hungry;
‘I am hungry’ – but what for?


Week 5: Facing difficulties without turning to food; night eating syndrome; how to stop cravings and overeating.


Week 6: 
How to deal with thoughts and overthinking; techniques to stop eating when stressed, anxious or bored.


Week 7: 
Coping with emotions; strategies for
binge eating, emotional eating and social eating.


Week 8: 

Being kind to ourselves and our bodies;
overcoming binge eating through

Creating a plan of action for the future;
celebrating new habits and achievements.



What happens in a class?


Each session has a theme, such as emotional eating or cravings. We have discussions, practise simple meditations (sitting on a chair), and do various exercises, sometimes involving food! There’s no need to speak or eat anything if you don’t wish to. Online classes are delivered via Zoom.


What does Home Practice entail?


Each week there are exercises and meditations to practise at home. This is an essential part of the course as it’s between sessions when you’ll make changes to the way you eat and your life. A course workbook and MP3s of meditations will be provided.


Is the course suitable for everyone?


The course has been designed for people who struggle with diets and overeating. If you have an eating disorder, please get in touch to discuss if the course is suitable for you. If you feel at risk of self-harm, please consult your doctor.


Can I choose not to eat certain foods?


The course is designed to support you eat in a way that works for you.
This might be a particular approach to weight-management or dietary needs, allergies or preferences. The course can provide support if you’re following a weight-loss programme and it can help you maintain weight loss.


Will the course help me lose weight?


By following the suggested practices, you can reach and maintain a weight that makes you feel well and happy. Weight loss can occur during the course if this is something you would like.


What is intuitive eating?


Eating intuitively means tuning into internal cues from the body to decide when and what to eat. It breaks the cycle of constant dieting by connecting with your body's signs of physical hunger and what the body wants in that moment. It can lead to fewer cravings, less boredom or stress eating, less preoccupation with food, improved confidence and mood. Although we explore intuitive eating in the course, we also encourage you to eat when is most practical, or if you want to enjoy food on holiday or at a social event, whether you're physically hungry or not.


What support does Mindful Surrey offer between sessions?


We run mindfulness drop-in sessions most Tuesdays, (9.30-10.30am,
online via Zoom), developing skills to cope with anxiety, stress, depression, sleep problems and help us enjoy life more. Coping with difficulties without turning to food and being kind to ourselves are core aspects of the Mindful Eating course. Drop-ins are free for course participants.


How can I keep up what I’ve learned after the course?


To help with healthy eating (and weight management), we offer ongoing support. This is through online drop-ins, courses, and one-to-ones. We can also set up self-help groups for people who took a course together and run refresher sessions.


Eating FAQs

Comments from recent participants

"I developed a more balanced approach towards eating."

"This course is refreshing and offers a revolutionary approach,
by looking at what's behind the eating, rather than what we're eating."

"It has been a really helpful mindset change for me."

"Your courses have been so helpful in giving me peace of mind, and helping with my over-thinking and worrying."

"Thank you Catherine for a wonderful course."

How Catherine developed the Mindful Eating course

Binge eating, cravings and emotional eating are all things I have personal experience of. I understand the negative impact these habits can have on our mental and physical health. Thankfully, I also have experience with intuitive eating and mindful eating, and know how these approaches can help with weight management and overall wellbeing.


Mindful Eating course


I’ve been teaching mindfulness for several years, helping people let go of

unhealthy habits and behaviours. Overeating and emotional eating are such common issues, I decided to create a course focusing on these habits.


Being part of a healthy eating group


During times in my life when I've struggled with overeating, one thing that was most helpful was when I was in a group that I felt connected to, whether it was a self-help group for people with different types of eating disorder or a weight-management group. A core part of the our recovery can come from being part of a supportive, non-judgemental group. There can be so much shame and secrecy being an overeater, realising you’re not alone can be life-changing in itself.


Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss your situation and to find out more about the course.


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